arc tangent

美 [ɑːrk ˈtændʒənt]英 [ɑːk ˈtændʒənt]
  • 网络反正切;反正切函数;反正切值
arc tangentarc tangent


the inverse function of the tangent;the angle that has a tangent equal to a given number
Synonym: arctangent arctan inverse tangent


  1. Various conversion manners are defined , including linearity , logarithm function , tangent function and arc tangent function .


  2. Implementation of arc tangent function using assembly in fixed-point DSP based on differential evolution algorithm


  3. A fast algorithm uses sub section lines to near some functions of arc tangent .


  4. Because the arc tangent reduced look-up table ( LUT ) bulk , the optimization algorithm greatly saved the hardware resources .


  5. The results show that the model has good fitting precision . It is more reasonable than traditional modified arc tangent function or hyperbolic function model for the saturation characteristic of transformer .


  6. Compared with traditional methods , the approximating polynomial calculated by DE is of high accuracy and low order , and the real-time behavior of the arc tangent function designed by DE is much better than C library function .


  7. Based on differential evolution ( DE ) algorithm , a method of fast implementation of the arc tangent function with high accuracy using assembly in fixed-point DSP is proposed . The validity and real-time behavior of this method is tested in a large scale .


  8. Thesis analyzes superposition average algorithm of tradition and pointed out the limitations of the algorithm , the problems about that the residual interference noise and the incubation period of disturbance , proposes a superposition averaging algorithm based on the arc tangent function of the IIR filter .


  9. Exponential and arc - tangent distributions of oil and gas production decline


  10. To apply the control technology of three-dimensional double-target-point arc internal tangent hitting-targets to drill tow-target variable-orientation azimuth multi-target well , has provided successful drilling experience for developing remaining oil in fault block oil reservoir and different oil reservoir .


  11. By means of uniting geometry with algebra , the arc length , tangent line , cotangent space and curvature of curve in four dimensional space are investigated , and the corresponding calculation formula in each cases are given .


  12. the season-ending arc has involved a tangent about deceptive online advertising .


  13. Circular interpolation of time-sharing algorithm is that circular arc is approached with tangent or chord line .


  14. The application of co & ordinate transfer in arc , cone and tangent gear wheals
